Latest News From Medina


February 2024 Newsletter

January was an exciting month with loads of new local dancers, and my Jitterbug Hollywood film in the news.  February is looking to be just as exciting. Let’s jump right into the details.


The dance is this week on Thursday, February 8th!  It’s going to take some getting used to, having our monthly dances now on the second Thursday of each month.  With February 1st falling on a Thursday this month, our dance date came up really fast.  We will see you all this Thursday at 6:30 for a free beginner lesson before the dance.  The dance is 7:30 to 10 PM as usual and this month we have the incredible DJ Mike Moll providing the music.


We had a great month of beginner lessons in January.  Lots of new people.  Lots of great progress.  Let’s keep it up in February as we focus on swingouts as part of our combined goal to Dance More in ’24!  Lessons are back to the normal schedule of the first three Mondays at 7:00 PM at Bent’s Opera House.


With winter upon us, it’s worth mentioning that if weather ever gets in the way of a dance lesson or a dance, I’ll post it to the Medina Lindy Facebook page and to


The information session about my film on Monday Jan 29th went well.  There is an article in the Batavia news about it. Click here to take a look.

I will be moving most of my film news to a separate newsletter since there will be too much to talk about each month and I want to keep these newsletters focused on local social dance opportunities.  The first JITTERBUG newsletter will come out this month.


That’s all for now. See you on the dance floor!




-Phil Berry