Latest News From Medina


September Newsletter (Labor Day and Back to School Special)

Hey Medina Lindy Hop Swing Dancers,

Hello from Camp Hollywood in LA!  This weekend I will compete in two Lindy Hop competitions here at the International Jitterbug Championships. I’ll be in a Strictly Lindy event where I will dance with my dance partner, Val Fleischauer.  That event is unchoreographed and set to a song we will not know in advance.  Then I will participate in a Mix and Match event in which they will pair me with several people I have never danced with before and we will dance to songs we will not know in advance.  I look forward to sharing videos with you after the events are completed.

Because I’m here dancing and due to the Labor Day holiday on Monday, our lessons will be pushed back one week.  So, the first lesson in September will be on September 11th.

I look forward to continuing this second year of lessons and dances at Medina Lindy with you in September.

Oh, and enjoy your mild Medina weather this long weekend.  It’s 106 degrees here. 🙂  Here’s the news:

  1. Back To School Dance: To welcome our students back from summer vacation, the dance on September 21st will be free of charge to all high school and college students.  Just show a valid ID and then dance the night away. There will be a free lesson at 6:30 and the dance will go from 7:30 to 10:00.
  2. Lesson weeks changed for September:  NO LESSON ON LABOR DAY! Progressive lessons will be held on September 11th, 18th, and 25th. There will be no lesson on Monday, September 4th due to the Labor Day holiday.  We will focus on the Lindy Circle and related forms this month. No experience is necessary for these lessons.
  1. Fall Dance Dates: Mark your calendars for fall dances: Thursday, September 21; Thursday, October 19; and Thursday, November 16. All dances start at 7:30 and begin with a free lesson at 6:30.

That’s all for now. We’ll see you on the dance floor.


-Phil Berry